1. Trademark Search
  2. Trademark Registration 
  3. USA Trademark
  4. International Trademark Registration
  5. Reply to TM Objections
  6. Trademark Hearing
  7. Trademark Renewal 
  8. Trademark Assignment
  9. Trademark Opposition 
  10. Trademark  Rectification
  11. Trademark Audit
  12. Trademark Portfolio Management
  13. Well Known Trademark
  14. Trademark Class Finder
  15. Infringement Notice
  16. Trademark Infringement cases
  17. Trademark Buy & Sell

2. Trademark Registration & Protection

       Process- Filing of  trademark application for registration after comprehensive availability search,  followed by filing of application and reply to objection to     registration by trademark examiner, hearing and acceptance. The process is completed in 8 to 10 months.

National and International Application 

The registration of trademark is done by filing application in Indian trademark registry besides International  application can also be filed from India for registration is any other designated country outside India.

Fees of Internation Registration: includes India registration Fees plus fees for Designated country Indian  Trademark  Registration 

  • Trademark Registration inTatkal Mode: Get Registration of Trademark Acceptance in  2 Months on payment of Five times Govt fees  for tatkal  registration 

  • Trademark Registration in Normal Mode  : On payment of  Applicable Govt fees for trademark registration in just one day  a) Individual, MSME Startup, File trademark for just INR 4500(Govt Fees)* plus legal fees; b) Partnership,Company files trademark for just INR 9000 (Government fees)* plus legal fees 
  • *50% discount of government fees for startup & MSME 

3.Reply to Objections  

   Response to Objections raised in Trademark Application by the examiner relating to Distinctiveness and similarility, the objections are to be replied  by the applicant in 30 days failing which the trademark shall be rejected. 

File Reply to objections     

4. Prevent Illegal Import 

Registration of trademark in Indian Customs IPR Portal To

Recordation with Customs: After obtaining trademark registration, recordation is advisable to the Indian Customs office to combat the import of counterfeiting products and protect your brand in the Indian market. Just simple formality are required. 

Get Trademark Registration in Indian Customs IPR Recordation Portal

5. Well-known Trademarks

The recognition of a trademark as "well-known" is done by Tradmark Registry  for protections of trademark  in geographical territory  and stronger enforcement against unauthorized use and infrigement   The Well-known trademarks include  Coca-Cola, Apple, Google Etc

Fees : Gov Fee of INR 1 Lac

 Get registration as Well known Trademark 

6. Assignment of Trademark 

Assignement f of Trademark refers to  sale of the registered or unregistered trademarks, for consideration  through process of  Assignment . 

Process of  Assignment of Trademark 

Execution of Assignment Deed - A registered or unregistered trademark can be sold and transferred with goodwill through execution of Assignment Deed  against consideration in favour of the transferee by the owner of the trade mark and filing of assignment in the tradmark Registry.

Fees Payable : The Govt Fee of INR 9000 is payable for registered Trademark and INR 1800 for each unregistered trademark as atransfer charges plus 6% stamp duty on transaction value      

Time Duration: The assignment takes effect from the date of exection of Assignment deed and it takes three months to obtain formal order of assignment in trademark records.    

Contact us for Assignment of Trademark 

Trademark Audit 

It is conducted to update the status of the trademark portfolio and detect if the exsiting trademark are valid and subsisting and there is no unwanted threat from other identical tradmark cadidily applied for registration and what steps can be taken to remove the threat

Get Trademark Audit        

Trademark Registration Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Any trade name, picture, logo, scheme of colours, sound, shape, image , label can be registered as trademark.

Registration Process passes through four stages

  1. Prior Search
  2. Filing of Trademark Application
  3. Reply to Objections raised by Trademark Examiner
  4. Acceptance Registration

Trademark registration takes 6 to 8 months

  1. Trademark name /logo
  2. Type of goods Services
  3. Name Address of the Applicant
  4. User Proof in case of priority usage

Registration is valid for a period of 10 years & can be renewed thereafter for same period

The registration granted is applicable throughout the country

For each application fee of INR 4500 for individual & INR 9000 for company/society/trust is payable

Symbol ™ can be used after the trademark name is applied for registration and ® is used after registration.

Yes, an applicant can file Multiple application depending upon nature of goods and services manufactured or traded, but for each application separate fees is payable.

Yes, this is necessary for listing of products , this is to identify your goods from other competitors and avoid trademark disputes.

  The startup are entitled to seek fee concession of 50 % on the govt Fee amounting to INR 4500  

The MSME are entitled to seek fee concession of 50 % on the govt Fee amounting to INR 4500